Innovation Opportunities by Field or Discipline

Empowering Young Leaders through Innovation

Welcome to a platform dedicated to nurturing the innovation mindset among young leaders. At SK Changemakers, we believe in the power of youth-driven innovation to shape a better future. Our commitment to fostering creativity, problem-solving, and leadership skills among young minds drives our engagement across various social innovation labs.

Our Approach: Working Through Social Labs

Engaging the next generation is at the heart of our innovation journey. Through our various social labs, we empower young leaders to drive positive change in their communities. We offer mentorship, skill-building programs, and platforms for youth-led initiatives.

What We Offer

Join Us in Shaping Tomorrow

Whether you're passionate about sustainability, social justice, healthcare, or urban development, our innovation labs provide a platform for your voice to be heard. Join us in creating a world where young leaders drive meaningful change.

Get Involved

Ready to embark on an innovation journey that transforms communities? Connect with us to explore opportunities, collaborate with like-minded peers, and become a catalyst for positive change.

Opportunities Per College Major/Program with our Labs*

Click on the links below to browse project ideas. Project ideas can also be organized by Center of Youth Participation.

*these project concepts were drafted assisted by ChatGPT. You may build upon these project ideas or come up with your own.

Our Partner Social Labs

Our partner social labs span crucial societal domains:

Each lab provides a unique space for young leaders to ideate, collaborate, and implement innovative solutions that address pressing social and environmental issues.