
Zero Hunger Lab

Lab Projects

Objectives of the SiglaSys Project are:

  1. prototype and test web- and mobile-based solutions to enable youth volunteers and Sangguniang Kabataan officers without coding (using Google tools)

  2. to increase behaviors at the household and barangay governance levels that reduce food insecurity and childhood malnutrition

  3. to deploy Bridging Leadership or adaptive leadership interventions to co-create enduring institutional arrangements at the local level

click here for more information


  1. to improve local food security and nutrition outcomes through Community Participatory Action-Research (COPAR)

  2. to integrate COPAR on food security and nutrition to the basic education curriculum

  3. to engage the youth, teachers, school principals and district superintendents in participatory governance for food security and nutrition

Click here for more information.

The FoodComms Initiative aims to:

  1. design and prototype Communication for Development (C4D) campaigns for various audiences in the food security and nutrition ecosystem

  2. generate learning materials so that the C4D campaigns are easier to replicate in other locations

Students and practitioners of communication and program managers in charge of food security and nutrition program are invited to participate in this project.

click here for more information

Project Objectives:

  1. design and prototype game- or simulation-based activities to equip policymakers craft policies on food security and nutrition

  2. engage local university instructors and LGU health leaders to use games and simulations in designing and evaluation food security and nutrition programs

click here for more info

KAGUN - Nutrition for children in Indigenous Communities

Project Objectives

The primary goal of Project Kagun is to contribute to the vision of a people-centered Service Delivery Network (SDN) wherein "families and communities are primary producers of health and nutrition among their infants and children under-five years old."

Specifically, the project aimed to:

1. Assist duty bearers in pilot-testing and formulating an action plan towards a People-centered Service Delivery Network for IPs;

2. Improve health literacy among families and communities in Sta. Juliana, both Aetas and non-Aetas, on health and nutrition among infants and under-five children as a pre-condition for a people-centered SDN.

3. Identify a model of a People-centered Service Delivery Networks for Indigenous Peoples in particular, and marginalized communities in general

Click here for more information.


  1. to advance the discourse, theory, and practice of Universal Health Care (UHC) as expressed through food security and nutrition

  2. to prototype governance innovations in UHC that improve nutritional outcomes

  3. to replicate governance innovations in UHC and nutrition

Click here for more information.


  1. advance multi-disciplinary research across universities and sectors

  2. connect research with national and local policy evaluation

  3. cultivate multi-year research partnerships among partners

Click here for more information.

The FoodHop Project aims to:

  1. develop social franchise venture concepts to scale up viable food security and nutrition solutions

  2. validate venture concepts with stakeholders

  3. prepare a crowdfunding campaign and investment pitch to potential investors

click here for more information

SIGLASysEd Project Objectives:

  1. to design a localized an online course (course code ZHL 129) to guide learners on how to design and prototype a SIGLASys system

  2. to prototype ZHL 129 and refine instructional design based on user feedback

click here for more information

The Data for Impact Institute is offering online project-centric internships for highly motivated students focused on Data Science, Research, Analytics, Visualization, and Execution. The Institute begins with a one-week workshop series, taught by selected faculty, that will get students up to speed on the core knowledge of data statistics, applications, analysis and visualization. For the remaining seven weeks, student teams will work on a wide array of interdisciplinary data-centric projects with meaningful outcomes.

Click here for more info.


  1. engage community leaders to co-create fisheries governance arrangements to improve food security and nutrition

  2. learn and deploy techniques in Problem-driven Iterative Adaptation

  3. engage local schools as hubs for food security and nutrition dialogue


  1. to equip Sangguniang Kabataan and other youth leaders to deploy purok-scale benchmarking interventions to improve nutrition outcomes within households, puroks, and barangays

  2. to develop social media-based campaigns to engage youth changemakers for civic action and participatory governance

  3. to foster trans-provincial co-innovation and co-creation among young changemakers